The SDOH & Place Symposium

Join us this June to build community, spark dialogue, and strike inspiration around the Social Determinants of Health & Place.

  • Friday, June 14th - Saturday June 15th
  • At the Illini Center, 200 S. Wacker Drive, Chicago, Illinois

The SDOH & Place Project works to build a community of practice around defining & using community-level social determinants of health, and also demystify application design thinking crucial to developing web applications centered on neighborhood health. We’re developing a new toolkit to work with place-based SDOH data and develop apps, as well as a new search platform for discovering SDOH data. We’re also building community through discussions on defining SDOH and using SDOH data; engaging new types of collaborations and applications with design justice; and breaking ground in developing new types of infrastructures & tools to support this work.

At the first SDOH & Place Symposium this June, the community will meet to share progress, break bread, celebrate achievements, and learn from each other. Join us!


Friday, June 14th

  • 2:00 pm - 🏁 Check-in & Welcome
  • 3:00 pm - Session I - Community Talks
  • 4:00 pm - Networking Break
  • 4:30 pm - Session II - PechaKecha Lightning Session
  • 5:30 pm - 🎉 Reception
  • 7:00 pm - 🍱 Dinner with Colleagues

Saturday, June 15th

  • 8:30 am - 🥐 Breakfast
  • 9:00 am - Keynote by Malaika Simmons
  • 10:00 am - Session III - SDOH Fellow Projects
  • 11:00 am - ☕ Coffee Break
  • 11:15 am - Session IV - SDOH Fellow Projects
  • 12:15 pm - 🥗 Lunch & Discovery App Preview by Engineering & Design Teams
  • 1:30 pm - Session V - SDOH Fellow Projects
  • 2:00 pm - Session VI - Environmental Justice in Chicago
  • 3:00 pm - 👋🏽 Closing & ☕ Coffee Departure

How to Apply

Apply for a spot in-person at:

  • Registration is limited due to space availability.
  • Sessions will be live streamed and recorded for future sharing.
  • All applicants should include a proposal for a talk, lightning talk, or reason for attending (250 words MAX). Special consideration will be given to those who propose a talk.

Deadline to submit this application is the end of May or when spots are filled. All applicants will be notified of their application on a rolling basis. 

There is no symposium registration cost. For accepted applicants, food will be provided at the conference at no additional cost, however lodging and travel to Chicago will be the applicant's responsibility for non-Fellows.

A select number of travel awards may be made available to offset cost; please indicate your interest when completing the application.

© 2024

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The SDOH & Place Project's mission is to unravel the application design process essential for developing web applications centered on neighborhood health.
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